Best Foreplay Tips to Turn Him On and Drive Him Wild

Tessy praise 11 view(s) Thu, 06 Mar 2025 - 18:33:37
Best Foreplay Tips to Turn Him On and Drive Him Wild


What is foreplay? 

Foreplay is that sexual activity u do before the real sex.

*First step.* 

Shave your armpit and pubic region. Those areas have to be neat. U can't leave them unkept and expect ur hubby/boyfriend to enjoy it. Take a warm bath. Wear a sweet calm fragrance not a harsh one. Then put on your sexy cloth or night wear then ur pant.

*Second move.* 

Let him be in the room as u slowly wear ur nightie. Ur nakedness is ur first power. Let him really soak up the sight and he will sizzle to a very high temperature. Men's brain chemistry changes when they're presented with a sexy body( I will educate us on how to stay sexy each day, despite how many kids you've had. Is not an excuse). Now flaunt ur body and make his desire rise. Your night wear is on, now slowly bring down one strip of the wear  bend and let him have a view of those wonderful oranges. You'll see him at that point wanting u to rush to the bed. Push him down on the bed and take off his boxers slowly. Drop it and leisurely pull down the second strip of your nightie. To really titillate him, allow him sneak a peak again at those good stuffs on ur chest, inner thighs and then hold his hands not to touch. At that point you are arousing all the feelings in him. When u finally get down to removing ur panties, do it painfully slow so he feels the burn. Stop this attitude of removing everything sharp sharp and bomb he has inserted. NO. Once u are finally naked, tease him by twisting ur body over him in different directions letting your breast graze his face and chest. Don't allow him to touch just keep torturing him. He should look but not touch. That anticipation is a powerful tool.

*Third move.* 

Use ur breath. Now bend to his stomach and chest with ur full lips, give them a long lick and then slowly exhale. The rush of the hot air will create a temperature change in his skin and heighten arousal. Then you'll hear him moan,  immediately move to his nipple's and give it a cool blowing bite. It is like a stimulation bonanza. Then slowly again move to his penis region. Don't be too fast to give him a blow job. At this point just blast a circle of cool air around his penis as if u were putting off the candle on a cake. That cool air on that hot region actually makes we guys arousal last longer.

*Fourth move.* 

Play a little rough. When it comes to foreplay, most of us women want it slow. But the truth is, often times men like the more forceful approach. They get turned on when we get a little bit animalistic 😜. So seize carnal control immediately come up straight to his mouth and take his tongue 😝 in ur mouth and suck on it. Next make him putty in ur hands. What do I mean by this. Be in *TOTAL CONTROL* . Move him into different positions, scratching ur nails down his back. At that point he would want to take over and insert. Don't let him, remember you are in charge. Pull him up, flip him over on his back and let him be on the receiving end. At that point slowly suck on his earlobes. Trust me most men love this very part.

*Fifth move.* 

At this point his upper thigh to lower belly is sensitive and the softness of your mouth will excite him. But please allow him to hold back his climax. His body is gonna tense up and he will scream that u should put it. This is wen you'll grab his pennis into u mouth. Be sure to have enough saliva in your mouth it serves as a lubricator. The wetness of ur mouth will drive him in sane. With ur right hand stroke the penis upward and downward as it goes in and out of ur mouth. With the tip of ur tongue tickle the tip of his penis that very tip where semen comes out from. That thing na sugar for men. Its a trick most women are yet to discover about foreplay. Hubby is gonna cry for u the moment u do the tip part 🏃 😜 Then hungrily rush to the scrum and quietly fill the balls in ur mouth (be careful here is the sweetest thing for them the very sweetest but a delicate part. He will go wild.

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