How-To Cuddle: 3 Best Cuddling Positions for Couples to Boost Intimacy and Connection

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How-To Cuddle: 3 Best Cuddling Positions for Couples to Boost Intimacy and Connection

"Cuddling is one of the most effective forms of physical touch because you’re engaging in skin-to-skin full body contact"

Cuddling is one of the most powerful instruments in your physical touch toolbox. Not only can getting cozy with your partner make you feel all warm and fuzzy, but in some instances, it can also lead to toe-curling fun in the bedroom—and those perks are only the tip of the iceberg.

But you can also thank oxytocin for that feel-good energy during a cuddle sesh. Nicknamed the “love hormone,” oxytocin is “associated with trust, sexual arousal, and relationship building.This little hormone kicks into hyperdrive when you make physical contact with someone, so cuddling has the potential to release a lot of it.

What if you have tried cuddling but you can't seem to get excited, here are some cuddling positions that will definitely release that oxytocin and curl your toes

The Spooning Position

One person will be the “big” spoon, and the other, the “little” spoon. Both partners lay on their sides, and the big spoon snuggles up behind the little spoon, so it feels like they’re kind of hugging them from behind. Spooning is extremely intimate in that it encourages close full-body contact, because the big spoon fully dominates and gives a sense of security to the small spoon.

Head on Chest Position 

One partner lies on their back and the other rests their head on their partner’s chest, ideally in the vicinity of their heart.It’s nice to have some other point of contact, whether it’s comforting the arm that’s embracing them or touching their partner’s back with their other free hand. This cuddling position can be really connecting and grounding, just by hearing their heartbeat and feeling close to them, it can be a reminder of their partner’s role in their life.

The Standing Spoon Position

Both partners stand while the “big” spoon cuddles the “little” spoon from behind, the big spoon can wrap their arms around their partner’s waist and nuzzle their neck to form a warm embrace.This position is perfect if you want to get cozy in public. The spooning partner has direct access to their partner’s neck and ears, and when touched or kissed, they can stimulate pleasure as part of the body’s erogenous zones.

Physical touch in general can build trust, but cuddling can be especially bonding.

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